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    Laid off right before Christmas

    Writer's picture: Therese the CounselorTherese the Counselor

    Sad lady who got laid off

    What goes through the minds of People, Corporations, and Organizations-that feel it is okay to lay someone off right before festive seasons? (Celebrated or not)

    Merayia was packing up her family to go down to Brooklyn, NY for the holidays to spend and enjoy Christmas with her brother, his family, her nephew, and her parents when she got the call to come into a Zoom meeting the day she was to travel. Merayia was already having a lot of trouble trying to squeeze all the gifts she had purchased into several suitcases. She thought it was odd that this meeting was being called the last day before the offices would shut down for the 4 day weekend. "We're probably going to get bonuses." She thought.

    As she walked into the office and saw several co workers and a few members of the HR Department, she nodded and smiled to each person that she had made eye contact with. After about a few minutes, the Head lady in HR started with, "You all have worked so hard this year and we are so proud of your efforts in increasing sales. The sales have not been so great to where they have led us out of the deep waters we are in. We are going to have to let you go...with severance pay...401K...a letter for unemployment...blah blah blah blah." Merayia was not listening to anything else. She felt hot and cold all at once. Her head felt like it was about to explode. As she blinked back tears, she went into her old office and gathered her things. "It's Christmas." She thought.

    Losing your job around the holidays can be traumatic. It's normal to feel anger, depression, panic, shame. Your future flashes before your eyes and you wonder- what's next? The bills aren't going to go away. The mortgage or rent still need to be paid. You've got to eat.

    Don't take it personal. Company layoffs are more common than we realize. Carry on with your plans. Update your resume. Reflect on a new career path. The layoff could be a blessing in disguise. You may have to restructure your goals but think of it as the opportunity to take that leap of faith and figure out what path you are headed toward.

    Tips to sustain being laid off before the holidays-

    1. Take some time out to process your emotions

    2. Let people know what you can give them as gifts

    3. Let people know that you are now in the job market

    4. Ask for help (perhaps in updating your resume, looking for referrals. e.t.c)

    5. Cut back on your spending

    6. Dont walk....Run to the office of unemployment.

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